Thursday, January 12, 2012

How to access Google Analytics on Android


if you own a website and use Google Analytics then you might have tried accessing Google Analytics on your Android. If you have tried then it is likely that you failed. Google haven’t created a mobile website for Analytics and for some reason the normal website doesn’t work. So what is the best way of accessing Google Analytics on the go?


Droid Analytics is a paid for app which lets you access your Google Analytics on the go. The app supports multiple Google Analytic accounts and all you have to do to setup the app is enter your account details. However, the app does not use oauth so you have to directly enter your account details in the app. If you are concerned about privacy then this might put you off using this app. Once you have connected to your account you will be presented with a table that lists all of the stats such as Page views, Visitors and Time for a couple of months. The app has a menu bar at the bottom of the screen that lets which lets you navigate to more detailed such as Hourly stats,  Top keywords and Top sources of traffic.


  • Supports multiple websites – When you open the app it gives you the option to choose which website stats you want to view.
  • Up to date – The data is always up to date and it is even possible to see the hours stats.
  • Access all data – The app isn’t limited as you can access all of the data on the app that you can on the website.


  • Privacy concern – You have to enter your Google Analytics account details directly into the app. Some people would prefer oauth as the developers could potentially collect your account details.
  • Presentation – The app does include some graphs but the majority of data is presented in tables. It would have been nice to see the data in more graphs and pie charts to make it easier to analyse the information.  I find that the current way the app presents the day can leave you with information overload.


Droid Analytics isn’t a perfect solution for accessing your Google Analytics on the go as it could present the data better. However, if it is important for you to access all of your up to date website stats on the go then this app is for you.
Price: $3.44 (£2.11)

Either click the image on the left or scan the image with Barcode Scanner on your Android.

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