Sunday, January 15, 2012

Take cartoon images live from your Android camera

Normally I write about apps that are incredibly useful. Today, I am going to suggest an app which is completely useless but fun all the same.
Paper Camera is a camera app which has many filters which turns photo’s into drawings. Yes, you could apply many of the effects on afterwards with a photo editing app, but where is the fun in that? There is something fascinating about about seeing everything cartoony in real time.
And do you know what? The resulting pictures actually look pretty decent. Look at some examples here:

  • Fun – I found the app great fun to use.
  • Produces good looking pictures – I was quite surprised  about the quality of the pictures that the app produced. It actually made me look quite artistic!


  • Not that useful – Paper Camera isn’t one of those apps that you are going to be using constantly. Some people may decide that the app isn’t worth the price or the space for the amount of use you get from it
  • Price – At $1.63 (£0.99 UK)  its not going to break the bank. Even so, it’s not one of those apps that you are going to be constantly using.


Paper camera is a great little app that is fun to use. The app isn’t very useful but it is great if you just want to play around with the app and have a little fun.

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