Sunday, January 15, 2012

What’s so cool about the Google Music Android app?

Many people have their whole music collection saved in electronic formats such as mp3. Gone are the days of the vinyl record and cassette tape and the death of the compact disk is will on its way. These days everyone uses mp3 players, ipods, and cell phones as their music players of choice.
Your Android works well as a music player and it can play digital music files such as mp3s. One issue is that you may not want to use up your precious internal or SD card space with mp3s. Google has come up with a free and useful solution in the Google Music Android app.
Google had developed and released the free Google Music app which allows the user to upload up to 20,000 personal music files for few and in the rare occasion that you might need more space, you can purchase more space. Now you can save your whole music collection in the cloud and access it any time you want by streaming it to your Android.



It’s really nice to be able to access your music collection from anywhere without taking up all your space on your phone. All you’ve got to do is hook up your headphones, turn on your 3G, 4G (in my experience, 3G is plenty fast enough), or wifi, and use Google Music to stream your music. It’s simple to use and you can even purchase more music from the Android Market.


There aren’t a whole lot of options as far as personalized sorting goes. You want to make sure the meta tags are set properly before uploading because Google Music will be using them to help sort. Also, since you’ll be streaming, you want to make sure you either have an unlimited data plan or use only wifi because the app uses a lot of data (it does let you download your favorites for listening off line). Finally, Google Music is only available to folks in the United States for the time being. There are ways around it and hopefully Google will release it in more countries, but for now Americans are the only official Google Music users.


Google Music is a really cool way to access your personal music collection from the cloud. Just install the application on your desktop, upload your music, install the Android app, and you’re good to go! Add to that the ability to purchase music from the Android Market and you’ve got one of the best music apps in the Google Music Android app.

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