Sunday, January 15, 2012

Automatically pause your media player after you fall asleep

It’s become a routine. Every day before I go to sleep, I listen to a podcast. I love them, they are enjoyable but also help me drift off. One problem with listening to podcasts before bed is that if you do drift off, your media player/ podcast player will still be playing the audio. Not only does this drain the battery, as I found out yesterday, you can be woken up if the hosts of the podcast decide to have a very loud argument at 4 o clock in the morning.
This problem can easily be resolved by setting a sleep timer which automatically switches the audio off after a certain period of time. That way, you can fall asleep with the audio still playing, without the worry of the audio playing all night and using up your smartphone battery.
All of the popular podcast players such as DoggCatcher and BeyondPod have sleep timers built in. There’s an even better solution though, and it’s a free app called Sleep Timer.
Once you have set Sleep Timer, it will stop any media player from playing audio when the time you set has been reached. The app works with any and every media player including podcast players, so no need to worry about compatibility. It also means that you don’t have to stick to one media player.


  • Supports every media player – Sleep Timer supports every Android media player including podcast players.
  • Free – The app is completely free and has no ads
  • Simple to use – The app can be set in a few presses and the app has a very simple interface.


  • Bugs – A minority of users have complained about bugs such as the app not pausing any media players, slowing the phone down, not exiting.


This free and well designed app is simple but can be very useful. Some users have had problems with the app but the far majority have no problems and love the app.

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