Sunday, January 15, 2012

Customize your lockscreen with Magic Locker

The lock screen is one of those Android features that you constantly see so it’s important that you’ve got one that you like the look of. Rather than putting up with the one that comes pre-installed on your mobile, why not install a new one?
Until yesterday, the lock screen was just about the only thing  that I hadn’t customized on my Android phone. I’ve changed the wallpaper, I’ve changed the home screen and I’ve even rooted my mobile to install a different version of Android.
So I gave it a go and installed Magic Locker, a very popular lock screen changer.
Once Magic Locker is installed, you need to open it up and tick the Enable MagicLocker box. You can then click the themes tab at the top of the app and click the more themes button. Install one of the lockscreen themes and then activate it on the MagicLocker app. The lock screen will have now changed to the one you activated.


  • Free – The Magic Locker app is free and many of the available lock screens are also free.
  • Many lock screens available – There are many lock screens available on the Android Marketplace for Magic Locker.
  • Lock screens – Some of the lock screens available are animated and all look great.


  • Loading time – I found that the lock screens occasionally took a few seconds to load. This may not seem like much but when you just want to quickly unlock your phone to use it, it can get a bit annoying.


Magic Locker is a great app which is well worth the download. The app supports many free lock screens that work really well and look great.

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