Sunday, January 15, 2012

Scan documents with your Android mobile

Have you ever come across some information such as a document or newspaper article that you want to store for later reading or send it to someone? You could keep the document and then scan it with a scanner at home or work.
Instead, Camscanner lets you scan documents with your Android device’s camera. The app lets you crop the image and then enhance the image quality to make it look like a scan and make it easier to read. The app also has many other features such as the ability to turn the scans into pdf’s and manage all your scans so you can easily find the one’s you want.



  • Scan like images – When done correctly, the scans produced by the app are pretty decent.
  • Mobile – You can scan when you don’t have access to a computer and scanner.


  • More difficult than using a scanner – When scanning images with the app, you can easily ruin a scan by accidently moving your phone while the picture is taking or by casting a shadow over the piece of paper.


Even though it can be a bit difficult at first to capture great scans with the app, after a bit of practice it is easy to scan documents. If you ever need to scan on the move then this app will be very useful to you.
Price: Free version which is limited to 500 scans and has no PDF option. Unlimited version costs $4.96 US (£3.06 UK)

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